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Direct hiring processes and Bilingual contract from MECO(Including detailed labour laws)

 If you are foreign caretakers, better read patiently for your benefits.

A strategy for employers to "hire migrant workers directly": Bypass agency fees and prevent migrant workers from being exploited!A

uthor Jiang Yumin  2020-09-04 

"Direct Hiring" bypasses the excess fees of intermediaries and is an ethical hiring option that returns dignity and decision-making power to employers and migrant workers.  Image Credit: Shutterstock

 "Want to have a job? Then pay me the agency fee of X million first, as well as visa fees, medical examination fees, passport fees..." Before making money, you should spend money to find a job. This logic sounds like  Fraud is the real experience of many migrant workers in Taiwan.

 As Taiwan's population ages, more and more families need helpers to take care of the elderly.  The number of migrant workers in Taiwan is increasing year by year, and more and more media, NGOs, and artistic creations focus on migrant workers in Taiwan.  One of the dilemmas of migrant workers in Taiwan that almost everyone mentions is the huge agency fees they carry.  Even for migrant workers who are already in Taiwan, even if they switch to a new job in Taiwan, they may have to bear a considerable amount of "labor-buying fees".

 The existence of agency fees and labor-buying fees is ultimately due to the fact that in the migrant labor market, whether it is for employers or migrant workers, they have to find each other in the vast crowd, language barriers, and even in different countries.  , and complete the complicated administrative process, it is really difficult.

 The government's "direct hiring" service is a way for employers to hire migrant workers directly, apart from intermediaries.  R, who has actually used direct hiring, shared: "Migrant workers don't have to pay agency fees, they will be very proud in front of their friends, they will be very grateful to you!" Bypassing excess fees, direct hiring is a way to return dignity and decision-making power to the employer and the migrant worker.  ethical hiring options for workers.

 However, even if some factories have begun to use direct hiring on a large scale, flying overseas to interview manufacturing factory workers, it is relatively easy for ordinary family employers to recruit migrant workers themselves.  A simple Internet search will reveal that the current direct-hire process information is either unclear or inexplicably detailed.  This article therefore uses a strategy method to analyze the steps of direct hiring, hoping to encourage more employers who are interested in direct hiring to “find migrant workers by themselves.”

12 Steps to Direct Hiring

 Because it is still too difficult for employers looking for home care workers to directly find migrant workers across borders, this guide will take the recruitment of "migrant workers already in Taiwan" as the main scenario.

 Simply put, the whole process can be divided into two parts: "recruitment" and "hire".  Recruitment is to allow employers to announce, recruit and interview migrant workers; Hire is to allow employers to actually sign contracts to hire migrant workers.  Points 1 to 6 of the following guide belong to the recruitment process, and points 7 to 12 belong to the hiring process.

 1. Apply for the Pap Scale, which is the "Certificate of Diagnosis of Disease and Disability".

 2. Fill in the "Application Form for Direct Employment of Foreigners by Employers" online or in paper.

Government Website On line application for direct hiring

 3. According to the household registration of the person being cared for, the hospital will send the Pap Scale together with the relevant information to the long-term care center in the locality.  The long-term care center will first match to see if there are Taiwanese nationals to apply, to protect the employment rights of Taiwanese (but basically no one will come).

 4. When the time stipulated in the regulations has passed, that is, after it is determined that the care attendant of the nationality cannot be found, the long-term care center will take the initiative to submit the document to the Ministry of Labor to apply for recruitment.  After 2 to 3 weeks, you will receive a paper "Recruitment Permission Letter" from the Ministry of Labor (this official document is very important, do not lose it).

 5. Next, there are different ways to find interested migrant workers.  Visitor R shared his experience: "Contact groups like TIWA (Taiwan International Labor Association) that serve migrant workers, and ask them to convey whether anyone is interested. It is best to write down the job content and family situation clearly.")

 6. Interview some people, it is recommended to let the interviewer see the situation at home.

 7. After admitting new recruits, fill in the "Application Form for Direct Employment of Foreigners by Employers" online or in paper.  Yes, the name of the application form is the same as the document in point 2, but the content is different. This time, information such as the migrant worker's name and passport number will be required.

 8. The employer sends the information to the direct employment center on-site, by post or online to apply for an "employment permit letter" (the direct employment center has few people and the service is very good).

 9. Take the newcomer to the county and city labor bureau to go through the relevant procedures.

 10. Go to the immigration office to get a new person's ID card, called ARC (Alien Residence Card).

 11. The Health Insurance Bureau adds insurance (very simple).

 12. Finally, go to the Taiwan agency in the migrant country to apply for "employment contract certification" (not in a hurry, but you have to do it).

Taiwan may be a friendlier place for migrant workers if the process is simplified

 Although direct hiring offers an ethical hiring option that bypasses high brokerage and labor costs, there is still a lot of room for improvement in current direct hiring.  For example, the hiring process requires employers to deal with multiple administrative units, and it is impossible to complete the application in one stop. For employers, especially those who apply for the first time, the process is relatively difficult.

 In addition, although direct recruitment is called "direct", the real recruitment and matching process still needs to be found through some intermediaries, such as assistance from NGOs, or the introduction of acquaintances who have hired foreign migrant workers.  The service does not proactively provide information on migrant workers and assist in matching employers with migrant workers.  In addition, some employers who have used direct employment services responded that in the paperless era, permission letters are still sent in paper form, which is inconvenient and easy to lose.

 Even for many home employers, it is difficult to recruit migrant workers from overseas. Someone shared: "My elder went directly to the Taiwan office in the Philippines, and the air ticket was cheaper than the agency fee. She said it was easy!"  First of all, she already knew the migrant worker she was looking for, and she just had to go through the formalities so that she could come to Taiwan to work.)

 For all countries facing aging, the lack of domestic human resources for nursing care and the introduction of migrant workers are almost inevitable developments, and the same is true for all countries.  Also in many countries, it can be seen that migrant workers are often the most vulnerable and easily exploited group due to different languages, legal status, system design and other reasons.  How to face these conditions and differences and use different policy tools, including optimizing the direct employment system, are the challenges and opportunities we have to face.

Download direct hiring contract form from Meco

Bilingual contract downloaded from MECO

MECO Labor Center Website (馬尼拉經濟文化辦事處勞工中心網址)

Special Hiring Program for Taiwan (SHPT) 直接聘雇

Direct hiring



「直接聘僱」繞過中介的多餘收費,是將尊嚴與決定權交還給雇主和移工的道德聘僱選項。「直接聘僱」繞過中介的多餘收費,是將尊嚴與決定權交還給雇主和移工的道德聘僱選項。 圖片來源:Shutterstock









1. 申請巴氏量表,也就是「病症暨失能診斷證明書」。

2. 線上或紙本填寫「雇主直接聘僱外國人申請書」。

3. 依據被照顧人戶籍,醫院會將巴氏量表連同相關資料寄給所屬地方的長照中心。長照中心會先撮合看看有沒有台灣本國人來應徵,保障台灣人就業權(不過基本上不會有人來)。

4. 等到過了法規所規定時間,也就是確定找不到本國籍照顧服務員後,長照中心將主動遞件到勞動部,申請辦理招募。等2週到3週,會收到勞動部的紙本「招募許可函」(這份公文十分重要,千萬不要弄丟)。

5. 接下來,可以用不同的方式找到有興趣的在台移工。過來人R分享他的經驗:「聯繫像TIWA(台灣國際勞工協會)那樣服務移工的團體,請他們轉達有沒有人有興趣,最好能把工作內容,家庭狀況清楚說明寫下來。」)

6. 面試一些人,建議讓面試者看看家裡情形。

7. 錄取新人後,線上或紙本填寫「雇主直接聘僱外國人申請書」。沒錯,申請書名字和第二點的文件相同,但是內容不同,這次會需要移工的名字和護照號碼等資訊。

8. 雇主將資料以現場、郵寄或線上方式送件至直聘中心,申請「聘僱許可函」(直聘中心人不多,服務很好)。

9. 帶新人跑一趟縣市勞工局,辦理相關手續。

10. 去移民局辦新人的身份證件,稱為ARC(Alien Residence Card)。

11. 健保局辦加保(很簡單)。

12. 最後去移工國家的駐台機構辦「聘僱契約認證」(不急,但是要去辦)。





