Scam Alert

My real experience recently 

Now the fraud using AI to imitate the voice has happened to a sister in our ward. Line was stolen. She was contacted one by one saying that a family member needed to borrow 30,000 yuan for an emergency. He promised to pay it back by that night. He did not answer the phone when he called. The phone number was almost fake. The AI ​​recording is recorded back in Line, which is difficult to detect.


There are a large number of +62 WhatsApp video phone fraud in recent days, and almost every WhatsApp users have received every day. What is the call of +62 WhatsApp video phone fraud?


Where did +62 come from?

 In addition to blocking, what else can you do? This article will be a comprehensive analysis of everyone. +62 WhatsApp video phone is not long ago, multiple netizens revealed that they receive video calls from unknown sources. After answering, sometimes the picture advertisement or animation character is sometimes familiar with friends and relatives. 

This situation may be the fraudulent behavior of artificial intelligence technology. With the increasing progress of DeepFake technology, these fraud groups have simulated real character images from the search for users' sounds and appearance. In April 2023, the mainland had a shocking case.

 According to Xinhuanet reported on May 6, the legal member represents Mr. Guo received a WeChat video call from its "friends". After confirming the opponent's face and sound, Mr. Guo transferred 4.3 million yuan to the office of the bank account designated by the other party. Later, after confirming the real friend, Mr. Guo found himself into the victim of "AI changing fraud". 

How to prevent +62 fraud? 

Avoid answering the portraits of a strange number to the video on weekdays to minimize photos or videos that contain significant appearance characteristics in the social platform. 

If you are aware of people call, talk about some money-related or sensitive content, do not ask the other party to answer some only things that only you know, thus confirm the identity. Alternatively or to do some moves immediately, determine if the other party's movie is pre-recorded. 

WhatsApp will set unknown to mute these WhatsApp video calls suddenly sound, which will make us quite troubles, such as from calls. In fact, whatsapp has built-in "unknown from the electric veteran" function, and all the users who have never been contacted or have not been stored as a contact after the contact, it will automatically mute! 

1: Enter the setting, select private hidden.

 2: Select call.

 3: Start "Set unknown from the electricity" to mute ". 

When the other party, if the other party rejected the call of the stranger, it is not imited to "block" it directly, so that the other party can't call you again.

 According to the wrong call, I will rescue the "answer", please calm, first block the front lens with your fingers, don't talk, and stop the call immediately. 

Summarizing the recent Daily + 62

 WhatsApp video phone, at this stage we can only create unknown in WHATAPP to mute. Users can also use the "Special Mode" of the mobile phone as much as possible, and do not pick up the call during sleep. Of course, whenever we are related to money, it is most important to hold a suspicious heart.

 近日出現大量 +62 WhatsApp 視像電話詐騙,差不多每個 WhatsApp 用戶每天也收到。究竟+62 WhatsApp 視像電話詐騙是怎樣的一回事?+62 從何而來?除了封鎖,還有什麼可以做?本文會為大家全面分析。

+62 WhatsApp 視像電話風險


隨著 Deepfake 技術日益進步,這些詐騙集團經由蒐集用戶的聲音和外貌,再模擬出真實的人物形象來詐取金錢。

在2023年4月,內地曾發生過一起令人震驚的案例。根據新華網 5 月 6 日報導,法人代表郭先生接到一通來自其「好友」的微信視像通話。確認過對方的臉和聲音後,郭先生便將 430 萬元人民幣轉入了對方指定的銀行帳戶。後來與真正的好友確認後,郭先生才發現自己成了「AI 換臉詐騙」的受害者。

如何防範 +62 詐騙?




WhatsApp 將未知來電者設為靜音

這些 WhatsApp 視訊電話突然響起,會令我們相當煩惱,例如深宵來電。其實 WhatsApp 內置「將未知來電者設為靜音」功能,啟用後所有未曾聯絡過或未曾儲存為聯絡人的用戶來電後,也會自動靜音!









面對近日大日 +62 WhatsApp 視像電話﹐現階段我們只能夠在 WhatsApp 將未知來電者設為靜音。用戶也可盡量使用手機的「專注模式」,在睡覺時段不接來電。當然,每當與金錢有關的事,永遠也要抱持一顆懷疑的心是最重要的。
