Employers and Employees need to pay and What are the annual leave regulations for foreign nurses


外籍勞工每星期應有一天的假期,另外當工作滿一年後續約一年時可享有特別休假7天;若外籍勞工因病請假,雇主應給予病假,一年不得超過30天,其薪資 折半發給。

Holidays available to foreign workers

  Foreign workers should have one day of vacation a week, and they can enjoy 7 days of special leave when they work for one year and then another year. If a foreign worker asks for leave due to illness, the employer shall grant sick leave, which shall not exceed 30 days a year, and the salary of the foreign worker shall not exceed 30 days a year.  Give in half.

Q: What are the annual leave regulations for foreign nurses and domestic helpers?

 A: According to the labor contract signed by the employer and the foreign worker, the employer shall give a special vacation for seven days each year after the foreign nurses and helpers have served for one year, and the salary will be paid during the special vacation.  Generally speaking, foreign caregivers and domestic helpers should take special leave or do not take a special leave. They will be paid $567 for overtime work per day (the old monthly salary is $15,840 for $528).  At the expiration of the three-year contract, if neither the foreign caregiver nor the helper takes a special leave, the foreign caregiver and helper will have the untaken special leave which is converted to overtime pay.  The above overtime pay and holidays will be changed due to government regulations.

  In addition, because both the foreign nurses and domestic helpers belong to a three-year contract, when the foreign nurses and domestic helpers come back to work in Taiwan after the expiry of the three-year period, their annual leave should be accumulated again.  If the employer does not pay the overtime pay for the special rest, and the foreign nurses and domestic helpers file a complaint with the Labor Bureau or at the airport, a complaint case will also be set up based on the outstanding wages.

 Q: Do foreign workers have to give special leave every year?

 Answer: Employers hire foreign workers in accordance with regulations. After the foreign workers have served for one year (the first year is not required to be paid), they shall be given a special holiday of seven days a year from the second year onwards.  Example: Generally speaking, if a foreign caregiver and helper have worked at the employer’s home for three years, the employer must give 7 days off for two times for a total of 14 days or offset the overtime pay ($567 per day*14=7938).

In the past, some employers did not know and ignored and did not pay; the Ministry of Labor reminded that employers who violated the regulations will be fined 20,000 to 1 million yuan in accordance with Article 79 of the Labor Standards Law.

Employers and foreign workers need to pay individually 

The following information is screenshoted from website of a manpower company. It's just for reference. You can check the newest data from government or brokers.

In Chinese
