
Showing posts from September, 2021

If you have money, you can't find anyone

Image Hot topics/red envelopes, voice reminders, foreign caregivers "If you have money, you can't find anyone." (2020-09-06 00:35 United Daily News reporters Bu Minzheng, Li Chengying, Li Yaocheng / Special report) The epidemic has made it inconvenient for migrant workers to enter and exit the country. There were 7,000 fewer family care workers in July than in February, which has the greatest impact.  Reporter Huang Zhongyu/Photography Due to the entry and exit control of the epidemic, there were more than 7,000 fewer caregivers in July than in February. The intermediary industry pointed out that the daily salary of domestic caregivers is more than twice that of foreign caregivers. The elders of the people are in urgent need of care, but they cannot afford to hire domestic caregivers.  Because foreign care workers could not come in, they kept calling for help, and even asked for extra red envelopes to the intermediary staff, but it

Migrant workers protest illegal broker fees

My opinion If you are mistreated by bad boss or their families. Better bravely to call brokers first. If they ignored, then call 1955. Better take videos or recording for evidences  about the unreasonable events. Try to change broker or boss if they really can't change. You sacrifice for together with your families to work here. You are not a slaves without freedom and not deserve to be mistreated. Migrant workers protest illegal broker fees in front of Taiwan's MOL Hundreds of migrant workers rallied in front of the Ministry of Labor in Taipei yesterday to protest against illegal broker fees

Employers and Employees need to pay and What are the annual leave regulations for foreign nurses

外籍勞工可享有的假期 外籍勞工每星期應有一天的假期,另外當工作滿一年後續約一年時可享有特別休假7天;若外籍勞工因病請假,雇主應給予病假,一年不得超過30天,其薪資 折半發給。 Holidays available to foreign workers   Foreign workers should have one day of vacation a week, and they can enjoy 7 days of special leave when they work for one year and then another year. If a foreign worker asks for leave due to illness, the employer shall grant sick leave, which shall not exceed 30 days a year, and the salary of the foreign worker shall not exceed 30 days a year.  Give in half. Q: What are the annual leave regulations for foreign nurses and domestic helpers?  A: According to the labor contract signed by the employer and the foreign worker, the employer shall give a special vacation for seven days each year after the foreign nurses and helpers have served for one year, and the salary will be paid during the special vacation.  Generally speaking, foreign caregivers and domestic helpers should take special leave or do not take a special leave. They will be paid $567 for overtime wo

Expanded Respite Service Plan for Families Hiring Foreign Care Workers

 Expanded Respite Service Plan for Families Hiring Foreign Care Workers If you need to ask off but bosses always say can't, then send this website to your brokers and bosses. Ask them call 1966. Send the following Chinese website to your brokers. It's announced by The Ministry of Health and Welfare and the Ministry of Labor. The Ministry of Health and Welfare and the Ministry of Labor jointly promoted the "Expanded Respite Service Plan for Families Hiring Foreign Care Workers". Since December 1, 109, the service targets will be relaxed. Those who have been assessed as requiring long-term care needs Level 2 to 8, such as  If the employed foreign family caregiver is on leave or cannot assist in taking care of the leave for some reason, you can apply for respite service, no longer subject to the restriction of more than 30 days window period.  Considering that most of the care recipients who hire foreign family care workers ar