Taiwan enables foreign blue-collar workers to apply for permanent residency

 It's time to be active to ask your bosses help to your application for permanent residence in Taiwan

Long-term use plan for migrant workers

 Date: 111-02-17
 Source: Department of Internal Affairs, Health, Welfare and Labour

 Executive President Su Zhenchang will listen to the report of the Ministry of Labor on the "Program for Migrant Workers to Retain Long-Term Use" in the Executive Yuan today. In order to strengthen the retention of outstanding senior migrant workers and overseas students who have obtained an associate degree or above in Taiwan, he plans to open up channels to work in Taiwan.  Intermediate technical jobs.

 1. Applicable objects:

 (1) Migrant workers who have worked in Taiwan for more than 6 years.

 (2) Overseas students who have obtained an associate degree or above in higher education in my country.

 2. Open job categories:

 (1) Industry categories: manufacturing work, construction industry work, outreach agricultural work, agricultural work (limited to orchids, mushrooms, and vegetables), and marine fishing work.

 (2) Nursing work: institutional nursing work and home nursing work.

 (3) Other designated work: national key industry work designated by the central competent business authority.

 3. Employer qualifications: the same as the current employer qualifications for hiring migrant workers.

 4. Qualification of foreigners:

 (1) Salary conditions:

 1. Industrial or other designated jobs: The monthly regular salary is more than 33,000 yuan (over 30,000 yuan for the first employment of overseas Chinese, and the re-employment return is more than 33,000 yuan), or the total annual salary is more than 500,000 yuan.

 2. Nursing work: The monthly regular salary of institutional nurses is more than 29,000 yuan; the total monthly salary of family caregivers is more than 24,000 yuan.

 (2) Technical conditions:

 1. Industry or other designated jobs: meet one of the qualifications such as professional licenses, training courses or practice certification provided by the Ministry of Labor.  However, the regular salary is more than 35,000 yuan, and technical conditions are exempted.

 2. Nursing work: should also meet the qualifications for the Chinese language test and related education and training courses.

 5. Quota accounting: Individual employers in industries applying for intermediate-level manpower quotas shall not exceed 25% of the migrant worker allocation ratio, and the total of migrant workers, intermediate-level manpower and professional foreigners shall not exceed 50% of the total number of employees.

 After a senior migrant worker or an overseas Chinese student turns into a foreign medium-level skilled manpower, there is no limit on the number of working years in Taiwan, and those who have worked continuously for 5 years and are eligible can apply for permanent residence.

Taiwan enables foreign blue-collar workers to apply for permanent residency

TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — The Cabinet on Thursday (Feb. 17) approved a proposal by the Ministry of Labor (MOL) to enable foreign caregivers to apply for permanent residence within five years after reaching certain qualifications.

On Thursday, the MOL announced the Cabinet had okayed a plan for foreign caregivers to obtain an Alien Permanent Resident Certificate (APRC) within five years of receiving an "intermediate skilled manpower" classification. The new plan also enables migrant workers who work in industry and overseas compatriots and foreign students with associate degrees to apply for permanent residency as well.

Under the new program, which goes into effect in April, those who meet certain requirements can apply to be classified as "intermediate skilled manpower." Once they obtain this classification and work for five years they can apply for permanent residency.

There are two major categories in which blue-collar workers can apply: industry and social welfare. The social welfare category includes caregivers in long-term care homes, live-in caregivers, and those employed in other designated key national industries.

For the social welfare category, caregivers in long-term care homes should make more than NT$29,000 per month and live-in caregivers should earn more than NT$24,000 a month. Low-skilled workers and caregivers must also obtain a work license, accumulate at least 80 hours in training, pass a language proficiency test, and complete 20 hours of vocational training courses.

However, workers who receive a monthly salary of NT$35,000 per month or more are exempt from these additional requirements.

Once a caregiver has worked as "intermediate skilled manpower" for five years, they may apply for permanent residence in accordance with the Immigration Act (入出國及移民法), but they must earn a monthly gross salary of NT$50,500. Alternatively, they can obtain a Level B professional technician certificate, which can be acquired through authorized government training programs.

(Kevin photographer suggest that Caregivers can send the following Chinese translation to your bosses to help you applying for permanent residence)
























 台北(台灣新聞)——在國內勞動力嚴重短缺的情況下,內閣於週四(2 月 17 日)批准了一項計劃,只要滿足某些條件,外國藍領工人就可以申請永久居留權。

 在宣布一項使外國中級技術工人獲得永久居民身份的計劃的內閣會議上,勞工部表示,規則變更將以行政命令的形式出現,無需修改,並將 4月生效。 當被媒體問及為何不考慮制定新經濟移民法時,人事部表示,《就業服務法》和《外國專業人才招聘和就業法》 已經全面,暫不考慮修改任何法律。

 MOL的一位官員表示,目前的計劃是放寬對具有一定經驗和薪酬水平的“中級技術人員”的永久居留要求。 據《自由時報》報導,要求包括“精通技術,達到一定的工資水平,並在申請後工作五年”。

 藍領可以申請的主要有兩大類:工業和社會福利。 符合條件的行業部門包括製造業、建築業、海洋漁業和農業。 據CNA稱,社會福利類別包括長期護理院的護理人員、住家護理人員以及在其他指定的國家重點行業就業的人員。

 至於最低工資要求,從事該行業的外籍人士每月收入須在新台幣33,000元以上或年薪總額須在新台幣50萬元以上。 社會福利類別,長照護老者每月收入應在新台幣29,000元以上,住家護老者每月收入應在新台幣24,000元以上。

 低技能工人和護理人員還必須獲得工作許可證,累積至少 80 小時的培訓,通過語言能力測試,並完成 20 小時的職業培訓課程。 但月薪新台幣三萬五千元或以上的工人,不受這些附加條件的限制。

 任一類別的藍領工人在擔任“中級技術人員”五年後,可根據入出國及移民法申請永久居留,但必須每月賺取新台幣的總工資 50,500 元。 或者,他們可以獲得B級專業技術人員證書,該證書可以通過政府授權的培訓項目獲得。

 去年6月,立法院三讀通過了《外國專業人才招聘及就業法》修正案草案。 除其他激勵措施外,該修正案放寬了白領“外國特殊專業人士”獲得永久居留權的規定,但這不適用於藍領工人。

 今年是台灣對外籍勞工開放30週年。 農民工人數在 2020 年 2 月達到頂峰,為 719,487 人,但到 2021 年 12 月降至 669,992 人,原因是由於當年夏天當地 COVID 病例激增,邊境對他們關閉。
