Occupational Accident Insurance and Protection Act

 The "Occupational Accident Insurance and Protection Act" was promulgated by the President on April 30, 110, and the Executive Yuan announced that it came into effect on May 1, 111.  In the form of a special law, the law integrates the occupational accident insurance of the labor insurance regulations and the provisions of the occupational accident labor protection law.  Improve the overall occupational disaster security system.

 The scope of compulsory coverage of labor occupational accident insurance will be expanded, and workers over the age of 15 who are employed by employers who have obtained a practicing license, have been registered in accordance with the law, have a tax status, or have been issued an employment permit by the central competent authority in accordance with the law will be eligible for the insurance coverage.  For compulsory insurance, their employers (such as company number, legal person, lawyers, accountants, people's organizations, foreign domestic care workers, employers of domestic helpers, etc.) should declare and add insurance for them.  Taking into account the changes in employment patterns, in order to protect the work and life safety of atypical workers, the Disaster Insurance Law has added a special insurance system. All workers employed by natural person employers, persons actually engaged in labor, and child labor providing labor services, if there is a short-term  Or temporary work, you can immediately apply for labor occupational accident insurance through a simple add-on channel.

 The payment items of occupational accident insurance, in addition to improving the payment level on the basis of the occupational accident injury, disability, death, disappearance and medical benefits in the original labor insurance regulations, and adding new payment items and expanding the applicable objects, should be compulsorily covered.  Uninsured workers can also apply for it.

 In addition, medical subsidies, disability and death allowances are provided for insured persons who suffer from occupational diseases after retirement; disability and death allowances are provided for uninsured occupational accident workers;  A care allowance is provided for workers suffering from occupational disasters who need assistance in their daily activities.  In terms of occupational accident prevention, we provide health checks to prevent occupational diseases, and provide health tracking checks for insureds who have engaged in particularly hazardous operations.

Employer will receive this letter from government 

「勞工職業災害保險及保護法」於110年4月30日經總統公布,行政院公告自111年5月1日施行。 該法以專法的形式,將勞工保險條例的職業災害保險,及職業災害勞工保護法的規定予以整合,除擴大納保範圍,提升各項給付保障外,並整合職災預防與重建業務, 使整體職災保障制度更完善。

 勞工職業災害保險擴大強制納保範圍,將年滿15歲以上,受僱於領有執業證照、依法已辦理登記、設有稅籍或經中央主管機關依法核發聘僱許可等雇主之勞工,均納 為強制投保對象,應由其雇主(如公司行號、法人、律師、會計師、人民團體及外籍家庭看護工、幫傭之雇主等)為其申報加保。 又考量就業型態改變,為保障非典型勞動者之工作生活安全,災保法增訂特別加保制度,凡受僱自然人雇主之勞工、實際從事勞動之人員及提供勞務之童工,如有短期性 或臨時性工作,均可透過簡便加保管道即時申報參加勞工職業災害保險。

 職業災害保險的給付項目,除於原本勞工保險條例的職災傷病、失能、死亡、失蹤及醫療給付之基礎上提升給付水準外,並新增給付項目、擴大適用對象,應強制納保而 未加保之勞工亦可請領。

 另外,針對退保後罹患職業病之被保險人,提供醫療補助、失能及死亡津貼;未加保之職災勞工提供失能及死亡補助;針對住院需人照護,或經評估為終身無工作 能力,日常生活活動需人扶助之職災勞工,提供照護補助。 在職災預防方面,提供預防職業病健康檢查,及針對曾從事特別危害作業的被保險人,提供健康追蹤檢查。



  1. Wowwwww so much amazingly nice to be here I absolutely thankful 🙏 for having a nice mentor and teacher to teach caretakers and to teach boss how to follow the law 😂


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