Basic salary UP! Starting from January 1, 2023

 Basic salary UP!  Starting from January 1, 2024, the basic salary will be increased to 27,470 yuan per month and 183 yuan per hour.

 Update date:2023-12-19

 The Ministry of Labor stated that starting from January 1, 2024, the basic salary will be adjusted from NT$26,400 to NT$27,470 per month, and the hourly wage will be adjusted from NT$176 to NT$183. This will be announced after the Ministry of Labor reports it to the Executive Yuan for approval. Public institutions are reminded to respond in advance to comply with legal requirements.

 The Ministry of Labor explains that the purpose of basic wage legislation is to protect workers’ basic living standards and maintain their necessary purchasing power.  Wage is the consideration for labor’s provision of services. Its amount is negotiated and agreed upon by both parties, but it shall not be lower than the basic wage.  All public institutions whose current wages do not reach the previously adjusted amount shall increase their wages at that time. For workers who are paid monthly, the salary shall not be less than 27,470 yuan, for those who are paid by the hour, the salary shall not be less than 183 yuan, and for those who are paid on a daily basis, the daily salary shall be Within the legal normal working hours, the amount shall not be less than 183 yuan multiplied by the working hours.  When calculating labor overtime pay, the increased amount should also be used as the calculation basis.

 The Ministry of Labor also reminds that if the normal working hours agreed upon and verified by the employer and workers subject to Article 84-1 of the Labor Standards Act exceed the statutory normal working hours, their basic wages shall be increased in proportion to the hours. It is not still calculated based on the monthly basic salary amount.  Taking the security personnel in the security industry as an example, if the employee and the employer agree on "monthly remuneration" and the verified normal working hours per month are 240 hours, when checking whether they meet the basic wage requirements, they should be paid 35,025 yuan. As a benchmark, if the working hours are extended by 48 hours in a month, and they are all within the first 2 hours of the current day, the total salary for the month shall not be less than 42,350 yuan.  For those who agree to be paid by the hour, the basis should be 183 yuan multiplied by the verified normal working hours per month (for details on the wage calculation standards for these workers, please see the Ministry of Labor website: ).

 The Ministry of Labor emphasizes that it is the government's responsibility to take care of workers' basic livelihood, which is also the legislative intent of basic wages.  The Ministry of Labor also called on workers to be important assets of enterprises. Employers are committed to increasing workers' wages and workers give feedback at work, so that both parties can prosper and benefit together.

 Business Unit: Labor Conditions and Employment Equality Department

 Contact number: 02-8995-6866

 Issuing unit: Press Liaison Office

 Release date:2023-12-19

Indonesian Migrant Workers|Basic Wage Adjustment The Printing Office reminds us to update mutual trade documents


 In line with the increase in the basic salary to NT$27,470 per month starting from January 2024, the Indonesian Economic and Trade Representative Office in Taipei issued an announcement to adjust the basic salary, health insurance and labor insurance premiums. Starting from January 1, 2024, Taiwan Intermediary and Indonesia The documents submitted for cooperation between intermediaries have been updated, and intermediaries are reminded to cooperate in the process. ​

 The announcement pointed out that migrant workers in the formal sector include manufacturing, maintenance institutions, construction industries and offshore fishery workers. The basic salary is adjusted to 27,470 yuan per month, which is equivalent to 183 yuan per hour. The salary amount shall be negotiated between the employer and the employer, and shall not be lower than the legal basic salary. The relevant changes will take effect from January next year.  In conjunction with the above adjustments, the amounts of labor and health insurance will also be changed, and the actual amounts will be announced by relevant units in Taiwan.
















印尼移工|基本工資調整 印辦處提醒互貿文件更新


配合基本工資自 2024 年 1 月起調升至每月新臺 幣 27470 元,駐臺北印尼經濟貿易代表處發布公告調整基本工資、健保及勞保費,自 2024 年 1 月 1 日起,臺灣仲介與印尼仲介之間提交合作的文件已更新,提醒仲介業者配合辦理。 

公告指出,正規部門移工包含製造業、養護機構、營造業及近海漁工,基本工資調整 為每月 27,470 元,折合每小時 183 元,勞雇雙方協商薪資數額,不得低於法定基本工資, 相關變更自明年元月起生效。配合上述調整,勞、健保金額也將一併更動,實際數額則 待臺灣相關單位公布。
